Ayurvedic approach in the management of paksavadha W.S.R. Paraplegia - a case study


  • Dr.Kulvinder Sandhu1 MD Scholar 3rd Year, Deptt. of Kaumarbhritya, R.G.G.P.G.A.C. Paprola H.P.
  • Vinod kumar Sr. Lecturer, Deptt. of Kaumarbhritya, R.G.G.P.G.A.C. Paprola H.P.




Pakshavadha, Paraplegia, Vata shamana, Medhya drugs.



Spinal cord injury (SCI) have been one among the most devastating trauma man can suffer. The worst victims of SCI are those suffering with paraplegia associated with autonomic dysfunction. Disruption of communication of nerve impulses anywhere along the pathway from the brain to the muscles can impair control of muscle movement and cause muscle weakness and loss of coordination. The prevalence of acute traumatic is estimated to be per million in India with 10,000 new cases per year. Main aetiology behind them are Motor vehicle accident (44.5%), Falls (18.1%) and Violence (16.6%). The elements that worsen the vitiation of Vata dosha are essentially: Abhighatha (External Injury), Chayapachayajanya vyadhis (metabolic disorders). So it is need of hour to search or establish a specific systematic, intensive, coordinated team approach for its management. Ayurveda offers us good treatment protocol on the basis of principles related with pathophysiology of the disease and gives ray of hope to such patients. As this t ype trauma which leads to paraplegia can be correlated with Paksahvadha which is included in Sarvanghagata and Vatavyadhi avruta vata, Pangu roga in Ayurveda.


A 2 year and 2 month, male patient presenting with was no lumber pain but he was complaining of  weakness and heaviness in both lower limbs, inability to stand with or without support was bought to R.G.G.P.G.A. Hospital Paprola. In this article, attempt has been made to review the Ayurvedic classics text and related literatures to understand the disease with emphasis on its samprapti on the basis of Kriyakala and we can assume vitiation of vata dosha. Vata shaman including snehanan, swedana (Shastik shali pinda sweda , Nadi sweda) and vata shodhana (vastikarma) as well as use of Medhya drugs are best applicable in the management of paraplegia.


Management done by using principles can effectively manage critical conditions such as Paraplegia by improving patients quality of life. Although the treatment was not able to bring a complete independence of functions in the case it certainly had reduced the level of dependence as was observable with the improved MBI score & SCIM -III score.


As  the  treatment  was  able  to  make  improvements in  existing conditions, this  approach should  be  taken into consideration while making any further trial to treat similar or new conditions with the help of Ayurveda .




How to Cite

Dr.Kulvinder Sandhu1, & Vinod kumar. (2022). Ayurvedic approach in the management of paksavadha W.S.R. Paraplegia - a case study. IJPAR JOURNAL, 7(3), 456–460. https://doi.org/10.61096/ijpar.v7.iss3.2018.456-460