Modern lifestyle, an aggravating factor of janapadodhwans and role of immunity in its prevention


  • Archana Kumari PG Scholar, Deptt. Of Rog Nidana, RGG PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, H.P, India.
  • Kristina Singtan PG Scholar, Deptt. Of Rog Nidana, RGG PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, H.P, India.
  • Ann Ambitia PG Scholar, Deptt. Of Rog Nidana, RGG PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, H.P, India.
  • Dalip Kumar Sharma PG Scholar, Deptt. Of Rog Nidana, RGG PG Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Paprola, H.P, India.



Janpadodhawans, Epidemic, Vikrut, Vayu, Jala, Desh, kala, Immunity.


People are facing severe outbreaks in the world which kills many people every year, affecting the lifestyle of individuals and causing a major downturn in the country’s GDP. The use of advanced technology has replaced most of our work that involves physical activities. This has been one of the reasons for aggravating global warming and resurgence of diseases as epidemics. An epidemic is the rapid spread of disease to a large number of people in a given population within a short period of time. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine is well known for the fact of the epidemics and outbreak of infectious diseases. Concepts of Janpadodhawans are very similar to current theories of epidemic. Acharyas have clearly mentioned diseases causing epidemic  under a broad term “Janpadodhwans”. Immune system, network of cells and proteins protects us from germs and infections. Immunity is important in outbreaks and epidemics, an individual with immense immunity will be able to defend many diseases better than those weaker immunity. So, here is the attempt to emphasize on the Janpadodhawans and role of immunity in its prevention.




How to Cite

Archana Kumari, Kristina Singtan, Ann Ambitia, & Dalip Kumar Sharma. (2020). Modern lifestyle, an aggravating factor of janapadodhwans and role of immunity in its prevention. IJPAR JOURNAL, 9(3), 187–189.