Effect of Kanaka Taila Pratimarsha Nasya and Raktachandanadi Lepa in the management of Vyanga: A case study


  • S S Kalyani Professor & Head of the Department Of Kayachikitsa, BVVS AMCH, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
  • Shoaib Ahmed.F Final Year Post Graduate Scholar Department of Kayachikitsa, BVVS AMCH, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.
  • S M Chabanur Associate Professor Department of Kayachikitsa, BVVS AMCH, Bagalkot, Karnataka, India.




Vyanga, Kanaka Taila, Raktachandanadi Lepa


Healthy skin reflects a good mental and physical state of an individual. In this fast going world it has become very tough to manage time for daily care of skin. Vynaga is explained under kshudra Roga in Ayurveda and it has become an exceeding problem now a day’s especially in women. It is characterized by Niruja and Shyavavarna Mandalas. Vitiated Ranjaka Pitta, Rakta Dhatu as well as Udanavata travels in the body through Dhamanis and get SthanaSamshraya in Mukhagata Twacha and causes vitiation of Brajaka Pitta giving rise to discolouration of skin. In Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Kshudra Rogaadhikara reference of Kanaka Taila Pratimarsha Nasya and Raktachandanadi Lepa was explained and selected for treatment of Vyanga. A 34 years old female having Vyanga on the face with a complaint of Mukhamaagatya Mandalam, Shyava Varna, Kandu, Parusha Sparsha since last 3 years. Later she consulted in Kayachikitsa OPD of BVVS Ayurved Medical College Bagalkot Karnataka. On the basis of clinical features and involved doshas patient was advised for instillation of Kanaka Taila Pratimarsha Nasya 2 drops in each nostrils evening time and Raktachandanadi lepa application in morning time for 20 minutes both modalities for 30 days. At the end of the treatment it was found that Masi score of patient before treatment was 12.6 after treatment it was 7.2 with shows 57.14% with significant improvement. The efficacy of drug was assessed on the basis of relief in grading score.




How to Cite

S S Kalyani, Shoaib Ahmed.F, & S M Chabanur. (2022). Effect of Kanaka Taila Pratimarsha Nasya and Raktachandanadi Lepa in the management of Vyanga: A case study. IJPAR JOURNAL, 10(3), 266–270. https://doi.org/10.61096/ijpar.v10.iss3.2021.266-270