Physicochemical evaluation and Pharmacognostic Study of Panibel (Ampelocissus latifolia) (Roxb.) -Stem


  • Smita Soni Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Govt. Auto. P.G. College, Satna (M P), India
  • Rashmi Singh Professor& Head, Department of Botany, Govt. Auto. P.G. College, Satna (M P), India
  • Manoj Tripathi SRO & Head (R&D), Arogyadham, Deendayal Research Institute, Chitrakoot, Satna (M.P.)


Ampelocissus latifolia, Pharmacognosy, HPTLC, fingerprints, Physicochemical


              Ampelocissus latifolia, belonging to the Vitaceae family, is a climber plant, mostly found in the Sub-Himalayan region of India, ranging from the Sutlej eastward to Kumaon up to 4000 feet, as well as in Aasam, Konkan, Western Ghats from Bombay to Nilgiris and Anamallis Deccan. Various parts of this plant is using to treatment of the several human diseases like leaf and stem bark is useful for wound healing, whole plant is used Kustha (leprosy) and Sotha (swelling).The stem bark is used in stomach pain and bone fracture. The roots are used in skin diseases, wound healing, rheumatic affections, fractures, diuretic, gonorrhoea, syphillis, eye diseases, menstrual troubles and also as a tonic. Ethno-medicinal and therapeutic uses of Ampelocissus latifolia various parts study was undertaken. In present investigation various tools and techniques included like that pharmacognostic studies, physicochemical tests, preliminary phytochemical analysis and development of HPTLC fingerprints profile.  The established parameters can be used as standards for further study and also preparation of a monograph of Ampelocissus latifolia plant stem.




How to Cite

Soni, S., Singh, R., & Tripathi, M. (2025). Physicochemical evaluation and Pharmacognostic Study of Panibel (Ampelocissus latifolia) (Roxb.) -Stem. IJPAR JOURNAL, 14(1), 44–50. Retrieved from